Aug 17, 2019


Designed to warn and protect everyone from the plandemic and deadly shot.

And to expose the TRUTH of these evil people.

Thousands of posts buy the op with documented proof of claims.

Coming from some of the most reliable sources.

Many from the inside the "silent war".

100% of the information ["predictions" as referred to by tards] has come into full public view.

Everything you have witnessed and experienced since the start of the plandemic [covid, vaxx, election steal, Ukraine, Biden Crime Family] all comes back to CHILD TRAFFICKING!

The timing of what you have witnessed is not a coincidence.

It is all by design as part of a controlled narrative by the "white hats".

A mass disclosure event to show The People.

Sometimes you have to show The People.

Only then can REAL change happen!

You are watching a movie.

And the end is fast approaching.

No matter what you see in the "news" just know GOD ALREADY WON!

Aug 17, 2019
Screen Shot 2023-07-20 at 8.19.30 AM.png



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Thanks MAGS.

Everything was planned and being perfectly executed with military precision from the beginning, now right on schedule as more and more people wake up...


"Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth. You must show them. Only then, at the PRECIPICE, will people find the will to change."

For those already awake, enjoy the show!

For those still not awake, turn off the fake news and start paying attention!


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I would also suggest to ignore or not engage with any of these posters that come into this thread that aren't here with the best intentions.
We all know where they stand anyway, and arguing or reasoning with them is fruitless.

This would give us the best opportunity to keep the thread alive and flowing.

Nov 11, 2007
Other than one time when I made a human error, I have posted nothing in the Political since Insurrection Day January 6 of 2021.

I am going to make an exception and make a suggestion that if this thread is going to stay in the Political Section

after being in the Rubber Room from basically when the thread was started in March 2020 that if possible

the entire thread from the Rubber Room be moved over here so that anyone who is not aware can read all

of the commentary if they like associated with it and not simply what sbd and the others have said so far today

in order to get a fair a balanced approach to what this thread is about, a lot of it from my end-hint it isn't ptretty!!

And yes, as I consider this a Rubber Room thread, I will pick up where I left off from the time the Rubber Room was closed

down a few days ago but will as I promised, continue NOT to post in any other thread in this section!!

That's it for now as I have errands to run!!
Sep 12, 2022
I would also suggest to ignore or not engage with any of these posters that come into this thread that aren't here with the best intentions.
We all know where they stand anyway, and arguing or reasoning with them is fruitless.

This would give us the best opportunity to keep the thread alive and flowing.
Definitely put the Tards on Ignore,
Sep 12, 2022
Nice to see a sequel. For those who missed the original, it was comprised of Patriots posting excellent information and analysis that time has proven to be 100% correct.

The Patriots on that original thread look like this:


Unfortunately, there was also a small clique of losers, led by a warped, frustrated old queen, who looks like John Podesta. He and his faggot followers posted counter information consisting of absolute ridiculous conspiracy theories and Fake News that time has proven to be 100% wrong. They are known as Tards, short for Retards.

Tards look like this:


Which side are you on?

Nov 11, 2007
One more thing for now:

Until I see rules established for this thread as far as how/if any they differ from the original thread where name-calling and insults

were rampant, everyone who I put on ignore in that thread for now is not on ignore because I want to see what they

have to say and especially how they say it as that in turn will determine how I post.

I would much prefer that everyone keep it clean in here without the name-calling and insults and simply engage in polite

and stimulating conversation and debate respect for each other.

If so, I will do the same!!

if posters decide that carry on as they did in the original thread, I can and will take that route also.

Imo that is why if the moderators decide to let this thread stand, it is imperative that they establish as Bill Maher would refer to

them as "New Rules" to be strictly enforced so that all of us will know what is permitted and not permitted!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What is Q?

Q is an open source intelligence operation developed by the U.S. military and supported by the President of the United States (the REAL one - not the senile pants-shitting resident clown you see on tv posing as "president"). The goal of the Q operation is to provide information that counters the false narrative of the mainstream media, thus awakening hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

"We went around the fake news like nothing before!" - Trump

In short, Q is a PSYOP, but a GOOD ("White Hat") PSYOP.

There's no much "misinformation" and misdirection about Q - from both sides. Mostly intentional by sinister forces, though to be fair, even Trump supporters get Q HORRIBLY WRONG. They treat Q like a silly prediction game tying random posts to random dates and events which have nothing to do with the original "plan"

They're all wrong - EPIC FAIL!

So what is the original "PLAN"?

Sit back, grab a coffee and pay attention because ol' Sheriff Joe is going to SHOW you.

Most of the Q posts directly mirror the DOD Law of War manual, a 1,200 page military operations book updated in May 2016, just before Trump announced he was running for POTUS. I know, total coincidence, right?

The US Law of War manual combines the best laws and orders from Canada, Great Britain, Mexico, Australia and of course the US of A. This along with CIC Trump's executive orders (look them up) will slowly bring you up to speed.

Happy reading! ? ??

So let me SHOW you just one example of how this works.

Here's Q post #26:


"Once 11.3 verifies 1st marker"

What is 11.3? Verifies what? Is it Trump? Does Q mean Nov 3rd?

No and no.

Take a look at the DOD Law of War Manual - right in front of you!

11.3 ???


The status of belligerent occupation ends when the conditions for its application are no longer met. Certain GC obligations with respect to occupied territory continue for the duration of the occupation after the general close of military operations. End of Occupation.

Belligerent occupation ceases when the conditions for its 11.3.1 application are no longer met. In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory or when a hostile relationship no longer exists between the State of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power.

Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control.83 For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory. Similarly, the Occupying Power’s expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control sufficiently the occupied territory.

In practice, what does this mean?

It means the military KNOWS we are currently under a "Belligerent Occupation" (foreign interference from a STOLEN election) while CIC Trump and the White Hats allowed "Biden" (the resident) to assume the optical role of "president"

Read the DoD Law of War manual mirrored with the Q posts and you'll START to get an idea of the "the big picture"

Or, keep your eyes glued to this thread (while is lasts) :grrr:

Keep in mind I've just SHOWN you less than 1% of this infinitely complex military operation. Rest assured, I've done my due diligence on Q AND the Law of War manual, so arguing and "debunking" reality with receipts is futile. Don't even try.

In short, for the Reader at Large, we're currently under MILITARY OCCUPATION with "White Hats" and the REAL CIC in FULL CONTROL behind the scenes.

Can I "prove" all of this outside of the Q posts? With visuals, documents, executive orders, unprecedented security and military protection surrounding the REAL CIC, codes, laws and orders, the DoD Law of War manual etc.. virtually endless "proofs" for the most hardened skeptic?

Of course! Along with "inside sources" as I leave nothing to chance.

Who's your Daddy? (kidding!) :thumbsups

Just know when you see words like "adrenochrome" coming into full public view, or the Biden Crime family fully exposed in Congress with receipts (millions of dollars coming from China! - wanna see all of President Trump's EOs on "foreign interference"?) or even these ridiculous fake "indictments" and "arrests"... you KNOW what's going on...

White Hats are SHOWING you the TRUTH.

But if you thought the Disclosure part of this military operation was getting fun, just wait until you see the Accountability Phase.

??? "We have a special place reserved for George Soros" - Q

Justice IS ALREADY being served - you just don't know it yet.

Now you longer have to "guess" or be deceived by FAKE NEWS PSYOPS designed to confuse and overwhelm you.

Now YOU KNOW what's going on!

Now you understand and are fully up to speed on this movie, and can continue following right along side SBD and your Most Trusted REAL NEWS Source: Sheriff Joe.

Oh, and don't forget to thank the satanic Deep State Cabal and their FAKE NEWS puppets for giving you 12 long years of Donald John Trump as your CIC - the GOAT...the Tom Brady of Presidents. Because by the time this military operation is complete, even George Washington and Abraham Lincoln would concede this point.

Did you really believe CIC Trump and the Patriots let them steal your country with their fake 81 million ballots? The REAL numbers - actual VOTES - would SHOCK you!

Greatest military sting operation in history - and YOU are part of it! YOU are living it! Now Year 7 into the 12 Year "Plan" with the best yet to come!

Say it with me Patriots...

Nothing can stop what is coming! NOTHING!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Nice to see a sequel. For those who missed the original, it was comprised of Patriots posting excellent information and analysis that time has proven to be 100% correct.

The Patriots on that original thread look like this:

View attachment 72657

Unfortunately, there was also a small clique of losers, led by a warped, frustrated old queen, who looks like John Podesta. He and his faggot followers posted counter information consisting of absolute ridiculous conspiracy theories and Fake News that time has proven to be 100% wrong. They are known as Tards, short for Retards.

Tards look like this:

View attachment 72659

Which side are you on?
Funny you mentioned Podesta (already executed).

Never forget Andrew Breitbart was one of MANY casualties in the war on the cabal.

Unfortunately, for Breitbart and so many victims like him, he wasn't protected and obviously WAY over his head when he threatened to "expose" these satanic sickos.

? ? ?

RIP Andrew Breitbart.



Sep 5, 2010
One more thing for now:

Until I see rules established for this thread as far as how/if any they differ from the original thread where name-calling and insults

were rampant, everyone who I put on ignore in that thread for now is not on ignore because I want to see what they

have to say and especially how they say it as that in turn will determine how I post.

I would much prefer that everyone keep it clean in here without the name-calling and insults and simply engage in polite

and stimulating conversation and debate respect for each other.

If so, I will do the same!!

if posters decide that carry on as they did in the original thread, I can and will take that route also.

Imo that is why if the moderators decide to let this thread stand, it is imperative that they establish as Bill Maher would refer to

them as "New Rules" to be strictly enforced so that all of us will know what is permitted and not permitted!!
Name calling is all they have.

That's why they are all ultra low iqanons.

They are losers in life.
Oct 26, 2008
I'm a little late to the party here, but what happened to the beloved Rubber Room? Lot's of classic stuff in there.

Nov 11, 2007
Name calling is all they have.

That's why they are all ultra low iqanons.

They are losers in life.
Hi Wilbur,

I think it is imperative that as soon as possible that the moderators establish VERY CLEAR AND EMPHATIC RULES as to what is allowed

to be posted and what is not in this thread!!

I for one will abide by any rules that are established as long as everyone else does.

My overall gut feeling though that is going to be very hard to do because of the name-calling. insults and taunting that have always

been inherent in this thread, and without it being permitted, I am not sure it can survive if it is simply a continuation

of the modus operandi in the Rubber Room!!

I would love nothing better for people to engage anyone in an open and polite discussion where the opposing sides ask

questions of each and for clarifications of certain matters of each other- that is what credible forums are supposed to be about!!

Not until/if when that happens, imo again this thread is headed for disaster no matter what section of the Forum it is placed!!

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
What is Q?

Q is an open source intelligence operation developed by the U.S. military and supported by the President of the United States (the REAL one - not the senile pants-shitting resident clown you see on tv posing as "president"). The goal of the Q operation is to provide information that counters the false narrative of the mainstream media, thus awakening hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

"We went around the fake news like nothing before!" - Trump

In short, Q is a PSYOP, but a GOOD ("White Hat") PSYOP.

There's no much "misinformation" and misdirection about Q - from both sides. Mostly intentional by sinister forces, though to be fair, even Trump supporters get Q HORRIBLY WRONG. They treat Q like a silly prediction game tying random posts to random dates and events which have nothing to do with the original "plan"

They're all wrong - EPIC FAIL!

So what is the original "PLAN"?

Sit back, grab a coffee and pay attention because ol' Sheriff Joe is going to SHOW you.

Most of the Q posts directly mirror the DOD Law of War manual, a 1,200 page military operations book updated in May 2016, just before Trump announced he was running for POTUS. I know, total coincidence, right?

The US Law of War manual combines the best laws and orders from Canada, Great Britain, Mexico, Australia and of course the US of A. This along with CIC Trump's executive orders (look them up) will slowly bring you up to speed.

Happy reading! ? ??

So let me SHOW you just one example of how this works.

Here's Q post #26:

View attachment 72655

"Once 11.3 verifies 1st marker"

What is 11.3? Verifies what? Is it Trump? Does Q mean Nov 3rd?

No and no.

Take a look at the DOD Law of War Manual - right in front of you!

11.3 ???


The status of belligerent occupation ends when the conditions for its application are no longer met. Certain GC obligations with respect to occupied territory continue for the duration of the occupation after the general close of military operations. End of Occupation.

Belligerent occupation ceases when the conditions for its 11.3.1 application are no longer met. In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory or when a hostile relationship no longer exists between the State of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power.

Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control.83 For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory. Similarly, the Occupying Power’s expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control sufficiently the occupied territory.

In practice, what does this mean?

It means the military KNOWS we are currently under a "Belligerent Occupation" (foreign interference from a STOLEN election) while CIC Trump and the White Hats allowed "Biden" (the resident) to assume the optical role of "president"

Read the DoD Law of War manual mirrored with the Q posts and you'll START to get an idea of the "the big picture"

Or, keep your eyes glued to this thread (while is lasts) :grrr:

Keep in mind I've just SHOWN you less than 1% of this infinitely complex military operation. Rest assured, I've done my due diligence on Q AND the Law of War manual, so arguing and "debunking" reality with receipts is futile. Don't even try.

In short, for the Reader at Large, we're currently under MILITARY OCCUPATION with "White Hats" and the REAL CIC in FULL CONTROL behind the scenes.

Can I "prove" all of this outside of the Q posts? With visuals, documents, executive orders, unprecedented security and military protection surrounding the REAL CIC, codes, laws and orders, the DoD Law of War manual etc.. virtually endless "proofs" for the most hardened skeptic?

Of course! Along with "inside sources" as I leave nothing to chance.

Who's your Daddy? (kidding!) :thumbsups

Just know when you see words like "adrenochrome" coming into full public view, or the Biden Crime family fully exposed in Congress with receipts (millions of dollars coming from China! - wanna see all of President Trump's EOs on "foreign interference"?) or even these ridiculous fake "indictments" and "arrests"... you KNOW what's going on...

White Hats are SHOWING you the TRUTH.

But if you thought the Disclosure part of this military operation was getting fun, just wait until you see the Accountability Phase.

??? "We have a special place reserved for George Soros" - Q

Justice IS ALREADY being served - you just don't know it yet.

Now you longer have to "guess" or be deceived by FAKE NEWS PSYOPS designed to confuse and overwhelm you.

Now YOU KNOW what's going on!

Now you understand and are fully up to speed on this movie, and can continue following right along side SBD and your Most Trusted REAL NEWS Source: Sheriff Joe.

Oh, and don't forget to thank the satanic Deep State Cabal and their FAKE NEWS puppets for giving you 12 long years of Donald John Trump as your CIC - the GOAT...the Tom Brady of Presidents. Because by the time this military operation is complete, even George Washington and Abraham Lincoln would concede this point.

Did you really believe CIC Trump and the Patriots let them steal your country with their fake 81 million ballots? The REAL numbers - actual VOTES - would SHOCK you!

Greatest military sting operation in history - and YOU are part of it! YOU are living it! Now Year 7 into the 12 Year "Plan" with the best yet to come!

Say it with me Patriots...

Nothing can stop what is coming! NOTHING!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'm a little late to the party here, but what happened to the beloved Rubber Room? Lot's of classic stuff in there.
Come on in!

The water is warm (although will soon reach a boiling point for fake news and fake "fact-checking" junkies ?)

It's a shame the Powers That Be sacked a historic thread with 2 million views documenting one accurate "prediction/forecast" after another.

Don't worry, the Sequel will be even better!

Because hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments won't stay sealed forever.


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